Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

Min and Max Analysis

Min / Max metode pemesanan persediaan adalah mekanisme penataan ulang dasar yang telah diterapkan di banyak ERP dan jenis lain dari perangkat lunak manajemen persediaan. "Min" merupakan nilai tingkat persediaan yang memicu pemesanan ulang dan "Max" merupakan nilai tingkat persediaan baru yang ditargetkan mengikuti pemesanan ulang tersebut. Perbedaan antara Max dan Min sering diartikan sebagai EOQ (Economic Order Quantity). 

Dalam Metode ini, kuantitas maksimum dan minimum untuk setiap jenis bahan baku sudah ditentukan. Tingkatan minimum merupakan marjin pengaman yang diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya kekurangan bahan baku, dan tingkat minimum ini sekaligus merupakan titik untuk melakukan pemesanan kembali, dimana kuantitas bahan baku yang dipesan adalah sebesar kebutuhan untuk menjadikan persediaan pada tingkat yang maksimum. Pelaksanaan metode Min-Max ini didasarkan pada observasi fisik atau melalui pencatatan dalam system akuntansi.

Min-Max Analysis Metode ini dilakukan dengan mengendalikan jumlah minimum dan maksimum persediaan dengan mengatur rencana pemesanan persediaan (plan order) agar tidak terjadi kekurangan (stockout) atau kelebihan persediaan (overstock). Dalam bentuk aslinya, Min / Max dianggap metode yang cukup statis pengendalian persediaannya di mana nilai-nilai Min / Max jarang berubah, mungkin beberapa kali per tahun. ABC Analysis sering digunakan untuk memandu praktisi untuk merevisi "A" item yang secara tradisional membutuhkan perhatian lebih dari "B" atau "C" item. Dari perspektif pemesanan Min / Max, ketika pemesanan ulang adalah untuk dilakukan, baik nilai-nilai Min dan Max harus diperbarui dengan nilai reorder point yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan perkiraan kuantil.

Metode Perhitungan


Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan saat harus diadakan pemesanan lagi sedemikian rupa sehingga kedatangan atau penerimaan bahan baku yang dipesan di atas safety stock sama dengan nol.

Cara Menetapkan ROP
1. ROP = Kebutuhan Lead Time + Prosestase tertentu dr. Safety Stock
2. ROP = Kebutuhan Lead Time + Safety Stock
Lead Time = Penggunaan bahan baku selama tenggang waktu mendapatkan barang.

Min and Max
Yakni metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah persediaan minimum dan persediaan maksimum yang ada di gudang.
Max. = Safety Stock + EOQ
Min. = Jumlah persediaan minimum di gudang (Safety Stock)

"Inventory is money sitting around in another form"- Rhonda Adams

This blog was created by:
Siti Annisa Nuryati
D3 MLM 2014

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Just In Time Distribution of Cement Indonesia's Products to The Corner Regions of Indonesia


Yesterday, i'm joined Public Lecturer of "Just In Time Distribution of Cement Indonesia's Products to The Corner Regions of Indonesia" with Mr. Ir. Dr. Gatot Kustyadji SE, M.Si. on Friday, March 18th 2016 at Audio Visual STMT Trisakti Jakarta.

The speaker was Mr. Ir. Dr. Gatot Kustyadji SE, M.Si who was the Director of Human Capital and Illegal of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk.

The Process of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk Business

Cement Indonesia was lead with strategic holding company which every factory of them combined as one called Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk. As the company growth they thought that the more closer the company with their customers by the good price and quality was the main key of successful business. So, they expected they could built cement factory over corner regions of Indonesia to minimized the distribution distances.

Distribution of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk.

For almost 30-40% cement prices was by the transportation cost than the actual prices itself. Therefore, Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk implemented Just In Time Distribution of their products to ease the transportation cost even though the transportation cost was still high.
They were always watched out over the available stock by stock monitoring technology with the details such as:

  1. Green: over 60% available stock.
  2. Yellow: 30-60% available stock.
  3. Red: less than 30% available stock.
  4. Blue: over than 100% available stock.
While the blue pin came out they would to distribute the available stock over the red pin. So, the products would never got shortage or even sold.
They were using Just In Time Distribution with several reason of profit efficiency. The market share and distribution channel was their priority. 40% of profit margin of Gresik Cement growth this year. If their products sold and nothing left they were prefer to bought their competitor's products and distribute it through them than to let the competitors taken over their distribution channel.
For now they were using 2PL as their distribution system. 

 D3 MLM as the audiences of Public Lecturer 
Friday, March 18th 2016 at Audio Visual STMT Trisakti Jakarta.

Me as the audiences of Public Lecturer 
Friday, March 18th 2016 at Audio Visual STMT Trisakti Jakarta.

Thank you to Mr. Ir. Dr. Gatot Kustyadji SE, M.Si who was the Director of Human Capital and Illegal of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk for shared with us and thank you for STMT Trisakti for this program. 

"with the more distribution channels its more important to have "must have" content and brands that cut through the cluster"- Thomas O Staags


This blog was created by:
Siti Annisa Nuryati
D3 MLM 2014