Senin, 27 Juni 2016

Kaizen Plan for Lookman Djaja, Corp to integrated industrial area with railways

As we know that Mr. Kyatmaja Lookman have a plan to develop an integrated industrial area with railway which at Karawang called as Lookman Djaja Logistic Center to "push" the logistic costs.

Here, my personal opinion by implementing Mr. Kyatmaja Lookman's plan collaborate with Kaizen.

First, what is Kaizen??

Kaizen is the practice of continuous improvement. Kaizen was originally introduced to the West by Masaaki Imai in his book Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success in 1986. Today Kaizen is recognized worldwide as an important pillar of an organization’s long-term competitive strategy. Kaizen is continuous improvement that is based on certain guiding principles: 

  • Good processes bring good results
  • Go see for yourself to grasp the current situation
  • Speak with data, manage by facts
  • Take action to contain and correct root causes of problems
  • Work as a team
  • Kaizen is everybody’s business
  • And much more!

One of the most notable features of kaizen is that big results come from many small changes accumulated over time. However this has been misunderstood to mean that kaizen equals small changes. In fact, kaizen means everyone involved in making improvements. While the majority of changes may be small, the greatest impact may be kaizens that are led by senior management as transformational projects, or by cross-functional teams as kaizen events.


In a simple words Kaizen is a continuous improvement strategy that also calculating even a small of changes.

Related with Mr. Kyatmaja Lookman's plan collaborate with Kaizen there are points to make them work together:
  • Everything should be integrated with technology and the time it schedules. In  this case the activities of loading and unloading goods from the railway should be work in the right of time with right of handle. Every second of the movements should be calculated.
  • Team Work is a key. When everything being integreted but, we didn't had a team that worked together, it wouldn't went as we wished for. Every person in the team should be knew their own JobDesk. In logistics we are talking about 2 things. First is time and Second is cost. We all know that technology has developing that much of changes but, we still needed a team, to make sure everything is work as it should. Because, everyday is a challenge. Each day has their own of challenges.
  • Watching every single improvement because if we are not catch it, we will loss things that we have to fix. Remember, even a small of change it count our profits.
  • The most important thing is to clean up the railway areas with everything that could irritate the activities.

This blog was created by:
Siti Annisa Nuryati
D3 MLM 2014

Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

JIT (Just In Time) Pada Manajemen Persediaan

Metode Just In Time



Persediaan merupakan suatu aktiva yang meliputi barang barang milik perusahaandengan maksud untuk dijual dalam suatu periode usaha yang normal atau persediaan barang- barang yang masih dalam proses ataupun persediaan bahan baku. Persediaan merupakan salahsatu aset paling mahal (40% dari total investasi). Harus ada keseimbangan antara investasi persediaan dan tingkat pelayanan konsumen.Maka dari itulah timbul yang namanya konsep Just In Time.

Just In Time adalah suatu konsep dimana bahan baku yang digunakan untuk aktifitas produksi didatangkan dari pemasok atausuplier tepat pada waktu bahan itu dibutuhkan oleh proses produksi, sehingga akan sangatmenghemat bahkan meniadakan biaya persediaan barang/penyimpanan barang/stocking cost.

Tujuan Strategis JIT adalah:
  1. Meningkatkan laba
  2. Memperbaiki posisi persaingan perusahaan
Tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai dengan cara:
  1. Mengeliminasi atau mengurangi persediaan
  2. Meningkatkan mutu
  3. Mengendalikan aktivitas supaya biaya rendah (sehingga memungkinkan harga jual rendah dan laba meningkat)
  4. Memperbaiki kinerja pengiriman

    Elemen-elemen kunci sistem keberhasilan JIT:
    • Tingkat persediaan yang minimal, Sistem JIT memotong biaya dengan mengurangi :
      1. Ruang yang dibutuhkan untuk penyimpanan bahan baku
      2. Jumlah penanganan bahan baku
      3. Jumlah persediaan yang usang.
    • Pembenahan tata letak pabrik 
    arus lini adalah jalur fisik yang dilewati oleh sebuah produk pada saat bergerak melalui proses pabrikasi dari penerimaan bahan baku sampai ke pengiriman barang jadi.
    Manfaat Arus Lini Ganda:
      1. Meminimalkan biaya penanganan bahan baku
      2. Meniadakan penyimpanan unit produk dalam proses pada saat unit tersebutmenunggu proses berikutnya.
    • Pengurangan Setup Time
    Masa pengesetan mesin (setup time) adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengubah perlengkapan, memindahkan bahan baku, dan mendapatkan formulir terkait dan bergerak cepat untuk mengakomodasikan produk unsure yang berbeda.
    • Kendali Mutu Terpadu (Total Quality Control)
    TQC berarti bahwa perusahaan tidak akan memperbolehkan penerimaan penerimaan komponen dan bahan baku yang cacat dari para pemasok, pada BDP maupun pada barang jadi.
    • Tenaga kerja yang fleksibel

    Keuntungan dan Kelemahan JIT:

    Keuntungan JIT 

      1. Seluruh sistem yang ada dalam perusahaan dapat berjalan lebih efisien
      2. Pabrik mengeluarkan biaya yang lebih sedikit untuk memperkerjakan para staffnya
      3. Barang produksi tidak harus selalu di cek, disimpan atau diretur kembali
      4. Kertas kerja dapat lebih simple
      5. Penghematan yang telah di lakukan dapat digunakan untuk mendapat profit yang lebih tinggi misalnya, dengan mengadakan promosi tambahan.
    Kelemahan JIT

    Satu kelemahan sistem JIT adalah, tingkatan order ditentukan oleh data permintaan historis. Jika permintaan naik melebihi dari rata-rata perencanaan historis maka inventoriakan habis dan akan mempengaruhi tingkat pelayanan konsumen.

    Beberapa perusahaan yang menerapkan sistem JIT yaitu:


    "The more inventory a company has, The less likely they will have what they need"

    This blog was created by:
    Siti Annisa Nuryati
    D3 MLM 2014

    Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

    Pembagian Suku Cadang Berdasarkan Jenisnya




    • Suku Cadang Habis Pakai (Consumable Parts)

      Suku cadang yang tidak diperbaiki, dianggap suku cadang yg  habis pakai. Karena itu, suku cadang habis pakai cenderung lebih murah dalam hal biaya dan dalam ukuran pemesanan biasanya skalanya lebih besar jumlahnya.
    • Suku Cadang Pengganti (Replacement Parts)

      Suku cadang pengganti dianggap sebagai suku cadang yang layak perbaikan , biasanya berdasarkan pertimbangan ekonomi biaya perbaikan mereka . Daripada menanggung biaya sepenuhnya penggantian, repairables biasanya dirancang untuk memungkinkan pemeliharaan yang lebih terjangkau dengan cara yang modular . Hal ini memungkinkan komponen untuk lebih mudah dihilangkan, diperbaiki, dan diganti. Memungkinkan penggantian yang lebih murah.
    • Suku Cadang Jaminan (Insurance Parts)

      Suku cadang jaminan adalah suku cadang yang ada di dalam persediaan suku cadang. Suku cadang ini tidak akan digunakan dalam keadaan atau situasi yang normal dari pabrik dan peralatan, tetapi jika tidak tersedia saat dibutuhkan, itu akan mengakibatkan kerugian yang signifikan.



    • Suku Cadang Habis Pakai (Consumable Parts) 

      • Lampu penerangan 
      • Lakban
      • Label 
      • Pulpen
      • Kertas
      • dan lain-lain 
    • Suku Cadang Pengganti (Replacement Parts)

      • Forklift (in all kinds of them)
      • Mesin pengolah bahan baku (sabun, shampoo, pelembab, dan lainnya)
      • Conveyer  
      • Komputer
      • Barcode Scanner
      • Pallet
      • dan lain-lain
    • Suku Cadang Jaminan (Insurance Parts)

      • Oli
      • Suku cadang yang berkaitang dengan perbaikan mesin (mur, baut) karna setiap jenis mesin memiliki ukuran yang berbeda-beda
      • Bahan baku untuk membuat produk-produk 
      • dan lain-lain


    "There is time enough, but not to spare"

    This blog was created by:
    Siti Annisa Nuryati
    D3 MLM 2014

    Senin, 18 April 2016



    What is JIDOKA?

    JIDOKA known as Automation with Human Intelligent/Human Touch which means the machine was given the ability to be able to mark off the bad over the good without being monitored by the operator.
    JIDOKA will facilitate human in providing detection and warning in case of errors , at the same time to prevents the errors by human activities undertaken (Human Error).

    JIDOKA Evolution

    In the first picture we are know that everything is being controlled by operator, and second picture the machine start the job itself and the operator just watch how it goes, and the last picture the machine do the job itself without being control by operator around the machine. The operator actually still control the machine but only by Andon board. The operator just watch over the Andon board that will light up the number if the machine detect the errors.

    -Andon Board-

    TOYOTA Production System Concept

    1. " Highlighting/View of the problem"
    2. "Quality must be built during the manufacturing process"
    JIDOKA is basically combine the quality checks into every single step of the production process by ensuring that all processes visible. JIDOKA also helps to ensure that any abnormalities/errors can be fixed immediately. 

    TOYOTA Mistake-proofing


    Known as poka-yoke, this principle is a simple, yet creative and reliable way to reduce errors and maintain quality. So basically in this principle items are clearly labelled so that they can be found and used by everyone just as easily.


    A Simple Set of JIDOKA Rules



    1. Discover problem
    2. STOP
    3. Fixing the problem
    4. Investigate the root cause of the problem
    Within companies such as Toyota line stop is a way of life, if an operator detects a problem they pull a cord or push a button to stop the production line at the end of that production cycle. 
    If it such a simple or easy error then the operator will fix it themselves and restart the line, otherwise they will call support that requires to solve the error if it such as a complicate one.

    many western companies just fear for a loss in productivity by JIDOKA because for only minor problem the machine will being stopped constantly. But, actually through JIDOKA we don’t just stop the process, we highlight the problem, correct it and then tackle root cause to prevent the problem ever happening again. JIDOKA  actually improve the standardization of production process by remove root causes.


    "we are seeing a race against the clock with Logistics" - Tom Kloza

    This blog was created by:
    Siti Annisa Nuryati
    D3 MLM 2014



    Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

    Min and Max Analysis

    Min / Max metode pemesanan persediaan adalah mekanisme penataan ulang dasar yang telah diterapkan di banyak ERP dan jenis lain dari perangkat lunak manajemen persediaan. "Min" merupakan nilai tingkat persediaan yang memicu pemesanan ulang dan "Max" merupakan nilai tingkat persediaan baru yang ditargetkan mengikuti pemesanan ulang tersebut. Perbedaan antara Max dan Min sering diartikan sebagai EOQ (Economic Order Quantity). 

    Dalam Metode ini, kuantitas maksimum dan minimum untuk setiap jenis bahan baku sudah ditentukan. Tingkatan minimum merupakan marjin pengaman yang diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya kekurangan bahan baku, dan tingkat minimum ini sekaligus merupakan titik untuk melakukan pemesanan kembali, dimana kuantitas bahan baku yang dipesan adalah sebesar kebutuhan untuk menjadikan persediaan pada tingkat yang maksimum. Pelaksanaan metode Min-Max ini didasarkan pada observasi fisik atau melalui pencatatan dalam system akuntansi.

    Min-Max Analysis Metode ini dilakukan dengan mengendalikan jumlah minimum dan maksimum persediaan dengan mengatur rencana pemesanan persediaan (plan order) agar tidak terjadi kekurangan (stockout) atau kelebihan persediaan (overstock). Dalam bentuk aslinya, Min / Max dianggap metode yang cukup statis pengendalian persediaannya di mana nilai-nilai Min / Max jarang berubah, mungkin beberapa kali per tahun. ABC Analysis sering digunakan untuk memandu praktisi untuk merevisi "A" item yang secara tradisional membutuhkan perhatian lebih dari "B" atau "C" item. Dari perspektif pemesanan Min / Max, ketika pemesanan ulang adalah untuk dilakukan, baik nilai-nilai Min dan Max harus diperbarui dengan nilai reorder point yang dihasilkan dari perhitungan perkiraan kuantil.

    Metode Perhitungan


    Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan saat harus diadakan pemesanan lagi sedemikian rupa sehingga kedatangan atau penerimaan bahan baku yang dipesan di atas safety stock sama dengan nol.

    Cara Menetapkan ROP
    1. ROP = Kebutuhan Lead Time + Prosestase tertentu dr. Safety Stock
    2. ROP = Kebutuhan Lead Time + Safety Stock
    Lead Time = Penggunaan bahan baku selama tenggang waktu mendapatkan barang.

    Min and Max
    Yakni metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah persediaan minimum dan persediaan maksimum yang ada di gudang.
    Max. = Safety Stock + EOQ
    Min. = Jumlah persediaan minimum di gudang (Safety Stock)

    "Inventory is money sitting around in another form"- Rhonda Adams

    This blog was created by:
    Siti Annisa Nuryati
    D3 MLM 2014

    Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

    Just In Time Distribution of Cement Indonesia's Products to The Corner Regions of Indonesia


    Yesterday, i'm joined Public Lecturer of "Just In Time Distribution of Cement Indonesia's Products to The Corner Regions of Indonesia" with Mr. Ir. Dr. Gatot Kustyadji SE, M.Si. on Friday, March 18th 2016 at Audio Visual STMT Trisakti Jakarta.

    The speaker was Mr. Ir. Dr. Gatot Kustyadji SE, M.Si who was the Director of Human Capital and Illegal of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk.

    The Process of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk Business

    Cement Indonesia was lead with strategic holding company which every factory of them combined as one called Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk. As the company growth they thought that the more closer the company with their customers by the good price and quality was the main key of successful business. So, they expected they could built cement factory over corner regions of Indonesia to minimized the distribution distances.

    Distribution of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk.

    For almost 30-40% cement prices was by the transportation cost than the actual prices itself. Therefore, Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk implemented Just In Time Distribution of their products to ease the transportation cost even though the transportation cost was still high.
    They were always watched out over the available stock by stock monitoring technology with the details such as:

    1. Green: over 60% available stock.
    2. Yellow: 30-60% available stock.
    3. Red: less than 30% available stock.
    4. Blue: over than 100% available stock.
    While the blue pin came out they would to distribute the available stock over the red pin. So, the products would never got shortage or even sold.
    They were using Just In Time Distribution with several reason of profit efficiency. The market share and distribution channel was their priority. 40% of profit margin of Gresik Cement growth this year. If their products sold and nothing left they were prefer to bought their competitor's products and distribute it through them than to let the competitors taken over their distribution channel.
    For now they were using 2PL as their distribution system. 

     D3 MLM as the audiences of Public Lecturer 
    Friday, March 18th 2016 at Audio Visual STMT Trisakti Jakarta.

    Me as the audiences of Public Lecturer 
    Friday, March 18th 2016 at Audio Visual STMT Trisakti Jakarta.

    Thank you to Mr. Ir. Dr. Gatot Kustyadji SE, M.Si who was the Director of Human Capital and Illegal of Cement Indonesia Corp, Tbk for shared with us and thank you for STMT Trisakti for this program. 

    "with the more distribution channels its more important to have "must have" content and brands that cut through the cluster"- Thomas O Staags


    This blog was created by:
    Siti Annisa Nuryati
    D3 MLM 2014

    Rabu, 10 Februari 2016

    Company Visit at PT. KCN Indonesia


    We had a chance to have a company visit at PT. KCN Indonesia which was a company that provided export-import services such as loading and unloading the cargo by ships until the freight forwarding service by trucks. 

    First of all, PT. KCN Indonesia not only provide their place for those all activities but they also offers for a governance of documents that related with those activities. It depends with the customers required and ordered.

    The main activity at PT. KCN Indonesia might with loading and unloading side. They usually took for Coal and Earth Spikes cargo for being send to the customer's warehouse or even to being export again. They also took a corporation with many truck companies to handle the orders.

    The process of Coal handling at PT. KCN Indonesia

    • First, PT. KCN Indonesia asked the customer about the documents that supposed to report. Then, they checked it out for the validation in order with the cargo even with the transported with another companies that would taking care with.
    • Second, PT. KCN Indonesia provided the tug boat that would help the ship to recliner and did the unloading of coal by excavator to the truck for being transported.
    • Third, PT. KCN Indonesia would report every single time and truck that load the coal according with the session ((if the coal in a large volume it would up to 10 seasons of unloads activity with three seasons each day)).
    • Fourth, the trucks that load the coal would be weighted as customer order ((if the customer not going to weighted the trucks, PT. KCN Indonesia wouldn't do the weighted though)). The weighted was to support the count of depreciation with the actual weight according the process of loads the coal on trucks.
    • Finally, the unloading activity was ends if all the coal has been transported. 

     The Meaning of 

    1. Tug Boat
      Tugs boat are vessels that can be used to maneuver / movement, the main pull or push other ships in the harbor, the open sea or by river or canal. Similarly tugboat used to pull barges, broken, and other equipment. 
    2. Jetty
      Jetty or pier is a pier jutting into the sea. The pier jetty type, usually ships can be docked on either side of the jetty. Jetty is usually the direction of the shoreline and connected to the mainland by bridge. Usually form an angle perpendicular to the jetty to jetty can take the form of letters T or L. 
    3. Barge
      Barge or pontoon is a type of vessel with a flat stomach or a big box that floats, used for transporting goods and towed by tugs or are used to accommodate the ebb and flow like the floating dock. 


    D3 MLM with Mr. Didiet Hidayat as a Logistics Lecture and Crews of PT. KCN Indonesia.

     Tongkang Ship as a background while we did the visit at PT. KCN Indonesia.

     Cargo office for documents prepariation as a background at PT. KCN Indonesia.

    Liba and I took picture with Crane as a background at PT. KCN Indonesia.

     Mr. Didiet Hidayat and I took picture at PT. KCN Indonesia.

    Thank you for all the committees that took their responsibilities for made this company visit happen and Thank you for PT. KCN Indonesia that gave us this kind of pleasure to got learn of those activities.

     "make your own valuable memories as much as you could"

    This blog was created by:
    Siti Annisa Nuryati
    D3 MLM 2014